
CD Sales and Retail Change

The Wall Street Journal yesterday featured a page one story on the declining CD sales, which have dropped 20 percent in the U.S. this year.  The article discuss peer-to-peer file sharing, but the real focus is the impact of retail changes. With big-box retailers now responsible for 65 percent of music industry sales, prices are down, shelf-space is shrinking, and older titles are disappearing from store shelves.

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  1. Cartier
    What effect does internet radio have on cd sales, do you think some of the decrease in sales is due to people enjoying internet radio? And as a result of the RIIA trying to force net radio stations down, do you think cd sales would increase somewhat?

    For more information on this see [ link ]


  2. Cartier
    In the last comment it should have said RIAA standin for the Recording Industry Association of America, who is working with the Copyright Royalty Board to substantially increase royalty rates for internet radio stations.