The Privacy Commissioner of Canada yesterday released the summary of her finding in my spam case launched against the Ottawa Renegades. My case is now Finding #297 and, true to form, the Renegades are now just an unnamed sports organization.
While I am pleased with the outcome of the case and I know that the Commissioner’s office worked hard to review the case as quickly as possible given their limited resources, I have to say that the time lag between the first reports of the case last December and the official release of the summary just over five months later is unacceptable. There was no particular harm in this instance since I posted the full finding online for all to see. However, there are surely many other cases where findings are communicated to the parties, perhaps quietly distributed among those "in the know" and the public only reads about them months later. That information assymetry is unfair and should be addressed immediately (and certainly in less time than it took to summarize my case).