For those not closely tracking Hansard and government releases, there have been some noteworthy developments and non-developments in recent days. Bill C-37, the do-not-call bill, is racing through the Senate. The bill is already at second reading with some commentary from the Senators. No word on whether additional hearings on the bill are planned.
Meanwhile, the Internet pharmacy issue is back on the table. The House of Commons plans to hold a special debate on the issue on Tuesday. Forthcoming sometime soon in the House will apparently be the introduction of anti-spam legislation. Industry Minister David Emerson announced on Wednesday that the government would be following the National Task Force on Spam' s recommendation by pushing forward with new anti-spam legislation by the end of the year.
Finally, on Thursday Government House leader Tony Valeri presented plans for the coming week. Once again, Bill C-60 was nowhere to be found (nor was there any mention of lawful access). With the government off the week of November 7th, that pushes second reading of the copyright bill back to at least mid-November.