With both prospective Canadian Heritage Ministers accepting copyright lobby cash (see The Sad Reality of Copyright Policy In Canada, Campaign Contributions, Tipping Point, That's What Friends Are For) and the funders making it clear that they are in the market for more (see Business As Usual), it is time to […]
Archive for January 4th, 2006
The Sad Reality of Copyright Policy in Canada
As I noted yesterday, I have spent considerable time writing and speaking on balanced copyright, including pulling together a book which features 19 professors from across Canada speaking out on the need for the public interest in copyright policy (the book is titled In the Public Interest and is available […]
Business As Usual
Kudos to the Hollywood Reporter for jumping in this morning and covering (brief display) the Bulte story with an enlightening piece that includes comments from Douglas Frith of the CMPDA (movies) and Graham Henderson of CRIA. Leaving aside Frith's bizarre comment that on copyright "Canada is beginning to look like […]