The AP is reporting that the FBI arrested a U.S. man for uploading a copy of the flim Flushed Away. His source – not camcording but rather an Oscar screener copy (yes, someone apparently thought Flushed Away merited an Academy Award).
Archive for February, 2007
CIPO Reviewing Software Patent Practice
Thanks to a reader for pointing out the the Canadian Intellectual Property Office is currently reviewing several chapters from its Manual of Patent Office Practice . Chapters subject to review include those covering software patents and biotechnology, matters of interest to the open source and scientific communities. CIPO provides details […]
The Telus Porn Problem
The Globe and Mail provides an inside perspective on the company came to drop the adult content offering, but more interesting is this post from Mark Wells that offers an alternate perspective – wireless net neutrality.
Puretracks Launches DRM-Free Music
Puretracks, a major Canadian online music seller, has just launched DRM-free music for some of its music titles. While the major label music remains locked behind Windows-based DRM, Puretracks is offering 50,000 titles in clean MP3 format. Participating labels include some of Canada's leading indie labels such as Nettwerk and […]
Canadian Copyright Law in Verse
Government policy makers have long talked about simplifying the Copyright Act. I don't think this is what they have in mind, but it is very clever.