The Standing Committee on Industry, Science, and Technology today tabled its report on telecom deregulation. The report is very short (one paragraph) and to the point. The Committee: recommends that the Minister of Industry withdraw the order varying Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15 and table in Parliament a comprehensive package of […]
Archive for March, 2007
Hockey Fight in Canada
Oiumet calls attention to a CBC legal demand against Hockey Fight in Canada, a parody site selling T-shirts. The posting includes a full text copy of the letter that demands that the site stop operating, presumably without a fight.
Oda and the CMA
The Ottawa Citizen covers Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda's appearance at the Canadian Museum Association's annual meeting, which apparently included the presentation of a boomerang, to emphasize that her election promises had come back to haunt her. Oda refused to accept the boomerang and left soon after without comment. Meanwhile, […]
More Olympic Word Ownership
I have covered Bill C-47, the Olympic Corporate Sponsor Protection Act, in several postings (here and here). The Vancouver Sun has fascinating article that demonstrates how C-47 is really just the tip of the iceberg. It uncovered the list of official marks controlled by the various Canadian Olympic committees. The list, which some IP lawyers argue represents a misuse of Section 9 of the Trademark Act, includes:
TPM Petition Presented in the House of Commons
NDP MP Charlie Angus yesterday presented a petition focused on TPMs to the House of Commons. The petitioners call upon Parliament to "prohibit the application of a technical protection measure to a device without the informed consent of the owner of the device and to prohibit the conditioning of the […]