
Oda and the CMA

The Ottawa Citizen covers Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda's appearance at the Canadian Museum Association's annual meeting, which apparently included the presentation of a boomerang, to emphasize that her election promises had come back to haunt her.  Oda refused to accept the boomerang and left soon after without comment.  Meanwhile, Playback features an interview with Oda in which she asked about copyright reform.  Her response:

Bernier and I have been working on copyright. As you know, it's a very complex piece of legislation. Things are evolving and changing as we speak, so there is never going to be the perfect Copyright Act, particularly with the new technologies. We're hoping to be able to introduce something quite soon…but again, it's a matter of not making it overcomplicated. We want to make sure we're gathering all the information we need, to be able to have a relevant piece of legislation.

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