Re$earch Money reports that the Conservative government has fired Dr. Arthur Carty and closed the Office of the National Science Advisor. Carty was well-respected and took a strong stand for open access during his tenure.
Update: CBC provides coverage of the story.
The link to the article no longer works.
Could this be confirmed via another source? The link no longer works, I can’t find the news on that website, and I can’t find any other reports of this in the news.
[ link ]
It’s a mild word for my opinion, but it’ll have to do for now.
Link functioning
The link to the article was functioning for me. Here is a key point.
With the establishment of the Science, Technology and Innovation Council in May 2007, the government reviewed a number of federal advisory bodies and decided to phase out the Office of the National Science Adviser (ONSA) and discontinue the role of national science adviser, Industry Canada said in a statement Wednesday.
Any body know the difference between these two bodies other than their partisan leanings?