The NY Times reports that Microsoft has filed its first click fraud lawsuit, targeting three Vancouver residents. The company is seeking $750,000 in damages in an attempt to make the fraud more expensive for perpetrators.
Archive for June 16th, 2009
Bell Kills Video Store Creating New Round of DRM Victims
Bell has quietly announced that it is closing its Bell Video Store (coverage here and here) with plans to instead focus on its Bell TV Online service that provides online access to movies and television shows for its subscribers. The closure serves a reminder of the consumer risk associated with […]
Canulu Offers Canadian Hulu Access…For A Price may be available in Canada for a price – claims to sell Canadian access to for $11.95 per month
In Search of A Canadian Digital Action Plan
In recent months, there has been growing support for a national digital strategy. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission explicitly identified the need for a strategy in its new media decision as have prominent leaders in the technology, telecommunications, broadcast, and education communities. The issue now appears to be resonating within government. Industry Minister Tony Clement has convened a digital strategy summit later this month, Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore has emphasized the importance of online platforms, and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has pledged to support a national strategy.
My weekly technology column (shorter Toronto Star version and Ottawa Citizen versions, longer homepage version) notes that the need for a national strategy stems from the realization that Canada is rapidly falling behind much of the developed world on digital issues. The gradual hollowing out of the Canadian technology sector (one-time giants such as Nortel, JDS, Corel, Newbridge Networks, and Entrust are all either gone or unrecognizable today), the absence of a strategy to digitize Canadian content, the inability of the CRTC to make sense of its governing legislation as it applies to the Internet, and the plummeting rankings of Canadian high-speed Internet and wireless services all point to a problem that can no longer be ignored.
In Search of a Canadian Digital Action Strategy
Appeared in the Toronto Star on June 13, 2009 as Connecting Canada to the Digital World Appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on June 16, 2009 as In Search of a Canadian Digital Action Strategy In recent months, there has been growing support for a national digital strategy. The Canadian Radio-television […]