A reminder that the University of Ottawa still has two exciting technology law jobs open. The technology law group will be formalizing into a Centre and is looking for an Executive Director. Moreover, CIPPIC is hiring a Director for the clinic. The deadline for applying is June 19, 2009.
Archive for June 11th, 2009
Human Rights Commission Argues For Continued Role in Addressing Online Hate
The Globe reports that Canada's Human Rights Commission has rejected suggestions that it stop investigating hate messages on the Internet, saying the issue shouldn't be left solely to the Criminal Code. The commission argues that both the criminal code and the Canadian Human Rights Act should be used to deal […]
Tossell Returns With Pirate Party Piece
Ivor Tossell has returned to the Globe and Mail with an article on the Pirate Party success along with a podcast interview with Christian Engström, the party's new Member of the European Parliament.