
Ombud for Victims of Crime Calls For ISPs To Disclose CNA Data Without Court Oversight

The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime has issued a new report calling on the government to introduce legislation to make it mandatory for ISPs to give law enforcement basic customer name and address information upon request.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Yet again
    Why is it such a big deal that cops need a production order before getting my private information? Is the warrant system that broken that the only answer is to remove the checks and balances which keep the police from abusing our civil liberties?

  2. bend over and take it says:

    From the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime:

    “Giving law enforcement the tools they need to quickly and effectively investigate these cases is the first and most basic step in addressing this issue,”” said Steve Sullivan

    That’s right. Our police need the right all data our ISPs have, as well as to enter our homes at will, monitor our bank accounts, tap our phones, bug our homes, strip search us and perform internal exams.

    Wouldn’t that all just make feel nice and secure and less victimized?

    What? you say No…? I don’t understand.

  3. What a crock…
    As has been mentioned, this is a bogus request. I can understand, and sympathize with the intent. However, the fact that some ISPs are already handing over the information without a warrant is troubling. If it is important enough, go to a judge and get the warrant. Of course, this means that the police need to have something resembling cause. I would think that in most cases they do. However, doing so is open to abuse.

    First of all, it allows the police to get information on someone that, for other means of communication, they would have to prove that a crime has even been committed.

    Secondly, when the police go to the ISP asking for a subscribers information, what does this say to the ISP? Have any of them cut off a customer based on the request, being worried about their own liability?

    As far as having the tools to quickly investigate. I haven’t seen anything that indicates that they don’t have the tools. OK, they need to take the extra step of getting the warrant; big hairy deal. The warrant is a check in the system to ensure that it is balanced.