There are now over 4,000 posted submissions with the overwhelming majority of them speaking out against Bill C-61, anti-circumvention rules, and for stronger fair dealing (earlier charts here, here, here, and here). While critics of fair copyright insist on characterizing many as anti-levy or anti-copyright, there have been only five […]
Archive for September 4th, 2009
Copyright Consultation Submission Summary: Over 4,000 Posted Through August 31st
There are now over 4,000 posted submissions with the overwhelming majority of them speaking out against Bill C-61, anti-circumvention rules, and for stronger fair dealing (earlier charts here, here, here, and here). While critics of fair copyright insist on characterizing many as anti-levy or anti-copyright, there have been only five […]
“Expensive, Illogical, and Extraordinarily Negative”
Paul McCartney and Elton John on the UK three strikes and you're out proposal.
Geczy on Copyright Reform
George Geczy, past chair of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Science and Technology committee, has an op-ed in the Hamilton Spectator urging the public to "be willing to stand up for your rights as a consumer of "intellectual property."
Project Gutenberg Canada’s Copyright Reform Recommendations
Project Gutenberg Canada, which has produced hundreds of electronic versions of public domain books, has submitted a response to the copyright consultation focused primarily on public domain issues.