Wind Mobile has faced growing criticism over the past couple of days from its user community about blocked ports for those on unlimited data plans. The reports indicated that the port blocking was effectively blocking access to a wide range of applications include streaming media, MSN, and Google Talk. The […]
Archive for January 13th, 2010
Google’s New Approach to China
Lots of coverage of Google's surprising and welcome announcement that it is changing its approach to China and dropping censorship of search results in Google posting, Nart Villeneuve, Rebecca MacKinnon, Jonathan Zittrain and James Fallows are good places to start.
UK Digital Economy Bill To Be Watered Down
Facing increasing criticism, the UK government has agreed to water down the Digital Economy Bill. Press reports indicate that it plans to offer a compromise on a provision that would limit the power to amend copyright laws with limited review.
Rep. Mike Doyle on ACTA
Congressman Mike Doyle on ACTA: "The USTR has communicated to me that ACTA won’t cement current provisions in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act – provisions that I’d like to see changed, like the anti-circumvention provision. And they’ve said that ACTA won’t require Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to become “copyright cops” […]
National Library of the Netherlands Plans to Digitize Everything
The National Library of the Netherlands has unveiled a strategic plan that includes creating a new national digital infrastructure with access to everything published in and about the Netherlands.