SOCAN has filed an application with the Copyright Board of Canada for interim tariff to cover royalties for the communication to the public by telecommunication of musical works in connection with movie/tv streaming and user generated content sites. The obvious targets of the interim tariff are some of the biggest […]
Archive for June 15th, 2011
UN Special Rapporteur Frank La Rue Explains Report
Frank LaRue, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, speaks to CBC’s The Current on his recent report on freedom of speech and the Internet.
Copyright Board Moves Ahead With Transactional Licence Issue
Howard Knopf reports that the Copyright Board of Canada has given Access Copyright until tomorrow to respond to the AUCC filing on transactional licences. Follow-up responses are due by June 23rd, suggesting that the Board may move quickly to address the issue.
“Bill C-51 will turn ISPs into Internet gatekeepers”
Dwayne Winseck’s latest Mediamorphis column for the Globe and Mail examines the potential impact of lawful access legislation.
Possible Copyright Treaties Brewing at WIPO
IP Watch provides a preview of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights session that starts today in Geneva, noting several potential treaties that are up for discussion.