I appeared this morning on CBC’s The Current to discuss the state of Canadian privacy and the nomination of Daniel Therrien as the new Canadian privacy commissioner. Audio of the segment, which includes George Radwanski and Wayne Easter, here.
Post Tagged with: "cbc the current"
Debate Over Wireless Competition in Canada Continues in the House of Commons and on the Air
The debate over the state of wireless competition in Canada continues to rage. Last week, I appeared on CBC’s The Current, as part of a 30 minute segment devoted to the wireless industry. The issue was also discussed during Question Period at the House of Commons, with Industry Minister Christian Paradis focusing on competition and consumers:
We want to enhance competition and investment in this country, and this is why we adopted this policy back in 2008 for the AWS spectrum. Let me say that the price went down by an average of 11% since then, and we will continue this way with the 700 megahertz spectrum. We launched consultation with the industry to make sure that we enhance competition and provide better choice and better rates for our consumers.
CBC’s The Current on Cyber Surveillance
I appeared on CBC’s The Current to discuss the Bill C-30, the Cyber Surveillance Bill and in particular warrantless access to internet subscriber information. This segment included Paul Gillespie. Audio can be found here.
CBC’s The Current on Broadband Access
I appeared on CBC’s the Current to discuss broadband access as Google looks for communities to test its new super-high-speed broadband network. Also on the program were Kelly Kirschner, George Reid and Tony Clement. The podcast is available here under Pt 2 Broadband Access. This relates to my column where I discuss the need for a Canadian digital policy.