The CRTC today unveiled a series of developments on the creation of a do-not-call list. The Commission will hold a four-day public hearing on the issue from May 2 to 5, 2006. Those interested in participating must register by March 6, 2006 (those interested in submitting comments without participating can […]
Post Tagged with: "do-not-call list"
Do-Not-Call Bill Passes With Newspaper Exception
The House of Commons yesterday passed Bill C-37, the legislation which creates the do-not-call list. The bill as passed includes the long list of exceptions (polling companies, political parties, charities, prior business relationships) that I've focused on in recent weeks. Moreover, all parties agreed to a further exception – newspapers […]
Gov’t Caves To Lobbyists on Do-Not-Call Legislation
My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, freely available version) focuses on the latest developments on Canada’s proposed do-not-call list. Last week, committee members engaged in a sad display of self-congratulation as a two-hour House of Commons debate on the bill became an opportunity for several Members of Parliament […]
Canada’s Do-Not-Hesitate-To-Call List Goes From Bad to Worse
Members of Parliament spent more than two hours on Wednesday debating Bill C-37, Canada' s proposed do-not-hesitate-to-call list. The debate makes for a depressing read – Canada' s elected officials each trip over themselves in self-congratulation as they render the list ever more useless. For those new to the issue, […]
Canada’s Do-Not-Hesitate-To-Call List
My weekly Lawbytes column (freely available hyperlinked version, Toronto Star version) focuses on Bill C-37, which is designed to establish a do-not-call list. Following its introduction, Bill C-37 was referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology for review. Months later, the amended bill is virtually […]