The Ottawa Citizen features an editorial on the AT&T censorship of Pearl Jam and the implications for the Internet and net neutrality. It concludes that "our society is still trying to figure out how much power to give to the people who own the pipes through which information flows. In […]
Post Tagged with: "Ottawa Citizen"
Goldberg vs. Saunders, Round Two
Mark Goldberg and Alec Saunders renew their debate on the wireless market in Canada as Goldberg responds to the Ottawa Citizen editorial on the issue. Much of the discussion surrounds the Citizen's concern about the ability to attract and retain communications companies in Canada. I believe that the Citizen was […]
Ottawa Citizen on Wireless in Canada
Following on the Montreal Gazette editorial, the Ottawa Citizen has published a lead editorial lamenting high prices and lack of competition. The editorial is supportive of the new complaints commission, but concludes that "there's a long way to go."
The Ottawa Citizen on Copyright Reform
The Citizen's lead editorial today concludes with the following: Canada's copyright regime is likely to be reviewed this fall with a view to dragging it into the 21st century. Making sure we maximize the usefulness of new technologies like Google Books should be the Harper government's highest priority; promoting the […]
The Ottawa Citizen on CRIA’s Poll
While many may have missed it, the Ottawa Citizen ran a masthead editorial on January 2nd assessing CRIA's poll on copyright and the election. I argued that the poll was primarily noteworthy for the questions that it didn't ask. Apparently, the Citizen agreed. It starts the editorial by warning "beware […]