Post Tagged with: "pipeda"

Canadian Privacy Ruling Illustrates Need for Changes to Reporting System

Professor Geist’s weekly Toronto Star column Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article) focuses on a recent PIPEDA finding involving an inadvertent email disclosure. The column contrasts the finding with a similar incident in the United States and argues that for Canadian privacy law to garner the respect […]

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October 18, 2004 Comments are Disabled Columns

CBC’s The Current Examines Canadian Privacy

CBC’s The Current recently devoted a half hour to privacy issues in Canada. Professor Geist appeared to comment on PIPEDA and the outsourcing privacy issue in BC. This podcast is no longer available online.

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August 5, 2004 Comments are Disabled ExtPodcasts

Is Canada’s Privacy Law A Privacy Placebo?

Professor Geist’s regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) questions the effectiveness of Canada’s privacy legislation, arguing that privacy laws without effective enforcement and genuine transparency may provide Canadians with little more than placebo privacy protection. The column suggests that responsibility for these […]

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April 19, 2004 Comments are Disabled Columns

International Privacy: PIPEDA – Canada’s New Privacy Standard

4th Annual IAPP Privacy & Security Summit & Expo link

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February 20, 2004 Comments are Disabled Conferences

The Debate Over Privacy Law Continues

In response to my recent Toronto Star column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) defending PIPEDA, Canada’s privacy law, the paper today features a debate over the arguments presented in that column. Professor Richard Owens argues that PIPEDA “tarnishes lawmaking, impedes business unnecessarily and threatens constitutional disorder”, while […]

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February 6, 2004 Comments are Disabled Columns