Post Tagged with: "social media"

iPod Tax Campaign an “Expensive Gamble”

Mark Blevis examines the social media reaction to the Conservatives’ iPod Tax campaign and finds that “despite all the media attention, and the slick ads, it just doesn’t seem to land.”

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April 18, 2011 2 comments News

U.S. Airways Flight 1549 and Social Media

Brendan Hodgson has an interesting post on the rapid online response to the recent US Airways crash, including a short video that shows the remarkable creation of a Wikipedia entry.

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January 22, 2009 3 comments News

U of T Seeking Social Media Officer

Mark Evans notes that U of Toronto wants a "go-to person for advice on U of T's online media."

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June 10, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

Facing Up To Facebook Fears

My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) examines the recent controversy associated with Facebook, including student suspensions for postings and the Ontario government decision to ban access to the site for thousands of bureaucrats and elected officials. I argue that while the merits of Facebook is open to debate – some love it, others hate it, and many simply do not understand what the fuss is about – there should be no debating the fact that many of these policy responses are unnecessary, knee-jerk reactions to an emerging social phenomenon that is poorly understood.

The recent backlash against Facebook has generally on centered around two concerns – derogatory comments and workplace productivity (ironically missing the real sources of concern such as the privacy impact of posting deeply personal information). 

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May 7, 2007 14 comments Columns

Facing Up To Facebook Fears

Appeared in the Toronto Star on May 7, 2007 as Let's Face It, Facebook is Here To Stay Facebook, the enormously popular social media website, has attracted a remarkable amount of attention in recent weeks.   On the heels of several high profile cases of student suspensions for posting negative comments […]

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May 7, 2007 6 comments Columns Archive