Professor Geist appeared on CKNW in Vancouver to discuss anti-spam legislation in Canada in light of the enactment of anti-spam legislation in the U.S. The discussion focused on the need for legislation, technological solutions, as well as public education.
Archive for December 16th, 2003
CRIA To Sue Music Uploaders
Professor Geist comments in a National Post article on the Canadian Recording Industry Association's plans to sue file sharing uploaders starting early next year. His commentary focuses on the recent Copyright Board decision on private copying. see: Music Sharers To Face Lawsuits also see: True Extent of Music Piracy Unknown
Commenting on CRIA Lawsuit Plans
Professor Geist appeared in several media outlets, including CTV Newsnet, CBC Radio’s Ontario Today, and CNET to discuss the Canadian Recording Industry Association’s plans to file suits against individual Canadian uploaders. see: Canada Ruling Won’t Stop Music Lawsuits also see: True Extent of Music Piracy Unknown
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