
Japenese Study Finds No Negative Impact From P2P

A Keio University economics professor recently released research (Japanese report) that indicates that the use of "Winny", the most popular P2P application in Japan, has no effect on CD sales. In fact, the study found that P2P helps to promote music sales and allows for new music discovery were indicated by the research.

The study is consistent with an increasing number of studies from around the world. I wrote a two part series late last year on the P2P Myths in Canada which demonstrated that Canadian artists have not been significantly harmed (if at all) by peer-to-peer downloading (part one, part two) and there have been several studies in the U.S. that have reached similar conclusions.

Food for thought as the U.S. Supreme Court hears the Grokster case this week and as the Canadian media erroneously trumpets an end to P2P as part of the government's proposed copyright reforms.

Update: There is an English-language version of Professor Tanaka's research available here.

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