Earlier this week I commented on the CWTA’s disappointing plan for cell phone number portability which envisions a full rollout in 2007, despite calls from the federal government to move expeditiously. This afternoon the CRTC jumped into the fray, inviting comments on the issue including the CWTA’s proposed timeframe. If Canadians want this to happen sooner rather than later (and there is no reason to delay this for two years), now is the chance to tell the regulator. Register to provide comments by September 26th.
CRTC Invites Comments on Number Portability
September 16, 2005
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Michael I fully support efforts to implement cell phone number portability and am convinced that the delay in its implementatin has nothing to do with technical challenges. Most of Europe has it – Canada is supposed to be an advanced jurisdiction in the telecommunications area. This should be a breeze.
On another topic, what can be done to eliminate charges for incoming calls on cell phones? There is no charge in much of Europe. These in-coming calls, which now even include unsolicited marketing calls, are not within the control of the mobile phone owner – seems patently unfair.
Keep up the good work – I thoroughly enjoy your articles.
It is embarrasing that the rest of the world has number portability and Canadians do not.
Why is there no industry voice calling for portability (see satelite radio proponents) to give this issue a higher profile?
Thank you for providing this vehicle to overcome, at least in small part, our collective apathy on this issue.
There is no reason for the delay. The phone number is simply used by companies as an “on-hooking” tool and in many countries the citizens have put sufficient presure on Governments to act. The next step will be for individuals to have ownersip over tehir email address, and their emails! How strange it sems that the right to one’s own property needs to be re-established with thechnology advancing, not only protected.