
A Balanced Meal

Online Rights Canada has just announced that it will be holding a bash of its own on Thursday night at the Drake Hotel (invitation here) in Toronto. As the notice indicates, the event is strictly non-partisan and will provide people with the opportunity to learn more about balanced copyright reform.  My guess is that many concerned with creators will find this event far more accessible than the $250 hosted fundraiser celebration being held at the same time. 


  1. Interesting article regarding France

    Seems the French and South Korean governments have made their decisions regarding copyright and fair use, and are much more zealot friendly than the Bulte plan.

  2. Jeremy Johnson says:

    You Might Want To Look Out For Bev Oda T
    I’m surprised Bev is getting so little media attention online even though she is accepting donations from the record industry as well.

    This candidate could very likely get her seat as well unlike Bulte who could lose to the NDP.