The Copyright Board of Canada has issued its decision involving SOCAN's application for a ten percent royalty on ringtones. The application was opposed by CRIA and the telcos (I wrote about the issue in 2004). The Board awarded six percent. More once I read the decision (Hat Tip: Howard Knopf).
Archive for August 18th, 2006
30 Days of DRM
Many people are still in summer mode, but the Canadian copyright rumour mill suggests that there is a lot happening behind the scenes with a copyright bill quite possibly a top priority once the fall session begins in 31 days. While there was much to criticize about Bill C-60 (the […]
Copyright Board Spending Comes Under Taxpayer Scrutiny
The Ottawa Sun reports that the Canadian Taxpayer Federation is raising questions about the travel expenditures of Stephen Callary, the Vice-Chair of the Copyright Board.