
Captain Copyright Goes Offline

Earlier this week, I wrote that if Access Copyright was serious about relaunching the Captain Copyright site, that it would take the site offline while it is being reworked, drop the linking policy, and identify its advisory board that will be asked to ensure that the site is balanced.  Today, it replaced the Captain Copyright site with a single page indicating that the site is offline while it undergoes revision and that Access Copyright will publicly disclose the members of the advisory panel shortly.  Full marks to Access Copyright for taking this step in the right direction.


  1. Painful lesson..!
    The Captain Copyright (ad)venture should stand as a warning to any organization to steer clear of considering their propaganda in the same light as education… And to educators and school boards to be wary of any group offering curriculum design and ‘free’ materials.

    The issue of copyright in Canada falls squarely in the domain of our national government, and both Heritage & Industry should (finally) assume their responsibility to provide the appropriate Canadian definitions and rules to all Canadians (not just kids) in a fair and balanced way. In the meantime, there is some useful information (albeit slightly dated) at the Media Awareness Network, link: [ link ]

  2. It should also stand as a warning to any organization to steer clear of Michael Geist’s wrath. Way to go! 🙂