That said, there are at least two bigger points worth making.
Archive for August, 2006
Major Record Labels Adopt ACS
30 Days of DRM – Day 11: Involuntary Installation of Software (Circumvention Rights)
While spyware can worm its way onto a personal computer in many different ways, inclusion within a DRM is a possibility. The best-known example of the DRM-spyware connection is last year's Sony rootkit fiasco.
NY Times Blocks UK Access to Article
With all the discussion around content blocking, interesting to note that the NY Times yesterday blocked UK access to an article, using targeted advertising technology to identify UK users. Update: The Associated Press provides additional coverage of this story.
Reflecting on the CRTC’s Hate Site Blocking Decision
Had the CRTC addressed the substantive questions, the case would have presented an enormously difficult choice. There is little doubt that the content in question is illegal and that Warman faces a serious threat. By directly targeting Warman, the foreign sites have arguably brought themselves within Canada's jurisdiction. Further, by merely asking the CRTC to issue a voluntary order, Warman avoided state-sanctioned censorship and placed the issue in the hands of ISPs.
Despite the good intentions behind the application, however, there remains some cause for concern.
30 Days of DRM – Day 10: Security Research (Circumvention Rights)
Even more compelling are recent comments from Professor Felten at a conference at the University of Michigan.