
Calgary Police Chair Seeks New Internet Centre

The chair of Calgary's police commission wants to set up an international internet security centre in Alberta to monitor online child predators, hackers and terrorists.


  1. unbeliever says:

    who’s a “terrorist” in Alberta?
    And climate change panic-mongers
    [ link ]

    And anyone who annoys the rich and powerful in Western Canada
    [ link ]

    In Alberta they probably consider Elizabeth May to be a “terrorist”.

    No way should Calgary be deciding such sensitive political matters.

  2. What am I missing here… I just went and read the bill that is before the Alberta Legislative Assembly – [ link ] – and all I can find is a one sentence description of the purpose of the “centre”: “The objects of the Centre are to use the funds entrusted to it to establish, construct and operate an international centre for the coordination and advancement of public safety, intelligence gathering and government response related to cybercrimes such as child exploitation, financial systems fraud, threats to critical infrastructure and intellectual property and identity theft.”

    There is also no mention of any form of oversight; they will provide audit reports on how the money is spent, but nothing about the activities of the centre.