Jon Healey of the LA Times points to a joint release today [pdf] from the MPAA and the National Association of Theatre Owners trumpeting their success in stopping the camcording of Spiderman 3. The release notes that the industry stopped 31 camcording attempts worldwide, which it credits with helping lead […]
Archive for May 18th, 2007
U.S. Pressure on Canadian IP Grows
Following on comments from U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins, U.S. Senators Feinstein and Cornyn, as well as the USTR's Special 301 Report, the U.S. Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus has joined the chorus of criticism against Canada on intellectual property law. The Caucus released its annual report yesterday and while not yet […]
Yet More Committee Hearings on Counterfeiting
Two Canadian hearings on counterfeiting in one month is apparently not enough. The Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights last week passed a motion to conduct hearings on counterfeiting and movie camcording. The Chair of the Committee acknowledged that it would be good to actually see the reports from […]