Archive for September 20th, 2007

Stockwell Speaks

Search Engine, CBC’s excellent new show on the Internet and technology, focused this week [MP3 podcast] on recent lawful access controversy.  I appear in the first part of the show, but more important is the response from Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day.  Leaving aside the Minister’s inaccurate claims that the […]

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September 20, 2007 1 comment News

Bell’s Unlimited Access Plan

Mark Goldberg notes that Bell has announced an unlimited data plan for wireless connection cards at a reasonable $75 per month (plus system access fees bumping up the price to $84).  The catch?  The fine print includes: You shall not use or allow others to use the Service or your […]

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September 20, 2007 38 comments News

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada is Blogging

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has launched a new blog. The Office says it hopes "to make the activities of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner more accessible to Canadians and to increase contact between the Office and Canadians interested about privacy issues and legislation."

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September 20, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

Windsor Star on Lawful Access

The Windsor Star has published a must-read editorial, concluding that "such questions represent the tip of a very slippery slope that could lead to police gaining access to an individual's Internet history and personal emails. Search warrants help ensure police do not launch fishing expeditions, but can still conduct thorough […]

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September 20, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

Stockwell Speaks

CBC segment (MP3).

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September 20, 2007 Comments are Disabled Audio