
Vancouver Sun & Nettwerk Offer Free Music Downloads

The Vancouver Sun and Nettwerk Music Group have combined to offer a free album titled Seriously Westcoast, Vol. 1.  The compilation includes two tracks from the Barenaked Ladies, a track from Sarah McLachlan, along with a dozen other artists. The deadline for download is midnight PST tonight (hat tip: Coolfer).


  1. Funny that, Seriously Westcoast, Vol. 1 contains music from Ontario? Proving once again that the Vancouver Sun is seriously out of touch.

  2. I hate to sound like a broken record, but has been giving away album-length compilations of DRM free Canadian music for a while now.

  3. Dwight Williams says:

    Sorry I missed this particular party…
    …as I wasn’t able to get to a place I could download at decent speeds in time. Would’ve been nice to have this one.