The government's response to the PIPEDA review included a promise to consult on possible reforms to the law, including the creation of a mandatory data breach notification requirement. On Friday, Industry Canada published the promised consultation in the Canada Gazette, asking Canadians for comments on the data breach requirement along […]
Archive for October 29th, 2007
Music Publisher’s Takedown Strikes The Wrong Chord
Appeared in the Toronto Star on October 29, 2007 as Music Takedown Strikes The Wrong Chord In February 2006, a part-time Canadian music student established a modest, non-commercial website that used collaborative wiki tools, such as those used by Wikipedia, to create an online library of public domain musical scores. […]
“Would You Risk Her Life?”
The Toronto Star has been the home of several columns I've written over the past year that focus on counterfeiting and the need for a bit of perspective (overblown claims column, misleading RCMP data column). I'm grateful for that venue and the paper's support for varying perspectives on the issue. […]
NHL Players Worry About Facebook Spoofing
Some NHL players are worried about the number of people posing as them on the popular social networking site Facebook. Ottawa Senators forward Mike Fisher says he discovered through friends that someone on Facebook was posing as him.