
Booker Prize Nominee Digitization Plans

The Telegraph reports that there are negotiations underway to digitize all six nominees for the Booker Man Prize. The move would make the books widely available worldwide.  How about something similar for Giller or Governor General nominees?

One Comment

  1. Shelagh Paterson says:

    Director, Advocacy, Sales, and Marketing
    Excellent news! Regarding the GGs – there is an initiative underway right now. Listen to the GGs!/Ecoutez les GG! is a project that was launched at the 2006 GG news conference to record a selection (participating publishers/authors) of the 2006 Governor General’s Literary Award winning titles. These will be available in November to the general public (Canada) as a digital download for purchase at Simply Audiobooks, and for borrowing for people with vision loss from the CNIB Library collection. Some info is available at: [ link ]

    More details will be posted to CBIB’s site shortly.