The CBC notes the lack of attention being paid to telecom issues in the current campaign.
Archive for September, 2008
Supreme Court Grants Leave in Deferral Account Case
The Supreme Court of Canada today granted leave to appeal the deferral account case, which focuses on the use of hundreds of millions of dollars of "extra" funds collected by Canadian telecommunications companies. The CRTC wants the money allocated toward broadband initiatives, while PIAC wants it refunded.
Atwood on Creativity
Margaret Atwood comments on the Harper culture cuts with language strikingly similar to that employed by user groups arguing for fair copyright: Human beings are creative by nature. For millenniums we have been putting our creativity into our cultures – cultures with unique languages, architecture, religious ceremonies, dances, music, furnishings, […]
VANOC Seeks to Trademark Part of O’Canada
When the Canadian government introduced overbroad and unnecessary legislation to protect Olympic marks, the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee claimed that the legislation was necessary to guard against ambush marketing. Fresh off that legislative win, VANOC is now going for more gold. The Globe and Mail reports that it has applied […]
Conservatives Promise Anti-Spam Legislation
After sitting on the issue for two and a half years in government, the Conservatives today promised to introduce anti-spam legislation along the lines of that recommended by the National Anti-Spam Task Force in 2004. As a member of that task force, this is welcome news, though it is difficult […]