Archive for February 5th, 2010

US, EU Defend ACTA Secrecy, UK Supports Transparency

Faced with mounting criticism over ACTA secrecy, officials from both the U.S. and the EU are speaking out.  In a letter to the editor at the Financial Times, the USTR's Stanford McCoy rejects the transparency concerns, claiming:

"Far from keeping them secret, governments participating in these negotiations have sought public comments, released a summary of issues under discussion, and enhanced public engagement."

Meanwhile, an EU official told that media reports have oversimplified ACTA and that information has been provided to the European Parliament "whenever possible."  The EU official declined to be named due to a non-disclosure agreement.

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February 5, 2010 8 comments News

Angus Launches ACTA Secrecy Facebook Group

NDP MP Charlie Angus has launched a new Facebook group called ACTA: End the Secrecy.

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February 5, 2010 Comments are Disabled News

Hints Of Deep Discord in Canada-EU Talks

Troy Media reports on possible discord in the Canada – European Union trade talks over the intellectual property chapter.

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February 5, 2010 Comments are Disabled News