According to documents I recently obtained under the Access to Information Act, this quote was part of a draft speech for Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore. The quote was removed by department officials before approval of the final version. Moore delivered the speech in June 2010, in which he proceeded to label critics of the bill “radical extremists.”
“Canadians told us the TPM provisions in C-61 were too far reachingâ€
December 8, 2010
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Episode 225: How Canada Can Leverage Digital Policy to Retaliate Against Trump’s Tariffs
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Well, this is interesting. Definitely curious who removed it and why it was removed.
Needed to be removed.
Considering that the C-32 TPM provisions are very similar to the C-61 provisions (WIPO+DMCA, opt-out of fair dealings), it was likely a mistake to have wanted to say that in the first place.
People might misphrase things but somebody making a mistake in what he *wants* to say is not a credible explanation for anything because it doesn’t happen. People know what they *want* to say; sometimes they just don’t say it correctly or decide on second thoughts not to say it due to some outside pressure. I think it’s pretty clear which of those two things happened here.
Making criminals of us all
I can’t believe the amount effort going into making criminals of regular consumers and the utter lack of effort (or appearance thereof) going into stopping the criminals already out there!
Maybe someone was messing with ol’ James and switched the file on his teleprompter before he delivered his ‘radical’ speech. Would explain a lot 😉
I betcha the original draft said ““Canadians told us the TPM provisions in C-61 were too far reaching – but, frankly, we don’t give a damn!”
@Rhett said:
I betcha the original draft said ““Canadians told us the TPM provisions in C-61 were too far reaching – but, frankly, we don’t give a damn!”
More like
“Canadians told us the TPM provisions in C-61 were too far reaching – but, some US citizens set us straight on what Canadian really need”
Not surprised. Moore is nothing more than a puppet being controlled by his superiors who are being influenced ($$$) by US big content.
Moore is nothing more than a puppet … … apologies to those offended by satire.
So apparently, Moore works in very small increments. To be generous, let’s say C-32 is 0.01% better than C-61. Well, there you go! Too far reaching is apparently a real small difference.
Come on Moore, start denying your lies. It would help your position so much!