Then-Industry Minister Tony Clement promised that the law would “protect Canadian businesses and consumers from harmful and misleading online threats,” but nearly a year later, the law is in limbo, the victim of a fight over regulations that threaten to delay implementation for many more months.
Although support for anti-spam legislation would seemingly be uncontroversial, various business groups mounted a spirited attack against the bill during the legislative process, claiming requirements to obtain user consent before sending commercial email would create new barriers to doing business online. Passing the anti-spam legislation ultimately proved far more difficult than most anticipated with groups seeking to water down tough provisions and greatly expand the list of exceptions to the general rules on obtaining user consent.
Months later, my weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) reports it is déjà vu all over again as the government works to finalize the regulations for the anti-spam legislation and the same groups make many of the same arguments. A call for comment over the summer from both Industry Canada and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (enforcement of the law is shared by the CRTC, Competition Bureau, and Privacy Commissioner of Canada) generated dozens of responses, most of which begin by congratulating the government on passing anti-spam legislation and then proceeded to urge significant amendments.
Several business groups have also noted that the form requirements on commercial electronic messages require a website address, yet many businesses are still not online. Moreover, the telecom industry points to short code messaging that already require consent and do not fit neatly into the anti-spam form requirements.
Yet for every legitimate regulatory concern, there seems to be a group that wants to re-open the carefully crafted legislative compromise. For example, Advocis, the Financial Advisors Association of Canada, emphasizes the value of financial literacy in an effort to argue that rules on referrals and consent should contain specific exceptions for financial advisors.
The Entertainment Software Association of Canada calls for an astonishing seven new exceptions, including watering down consent requirements for the installation of computer programs. This particular issue was the subject of extensive debate during committee hearings with the ESAC position previously rejected by the government and opposition MPs.
Other submissions call on the government to eliminate consent requirements altogether for small and startup businesses, suggesting that businesses be permitted to send thousands of messages each year without any need for prior consent.
The relentless campaign against the legislation has proven effective as it appears virtually certain that the government will now delay its implementation. Industry Minister Christian Paradis has remained silent on the issue, but last week the Canadian Marketing Association told its members that further consultations are now planned and that the law will not take effect until the middle of 2012 at the earliest.
It is important to get the regulations right so that Canadians are better protected from online threats and business does not grind to a halt. But establishing new consent requirements or requiring changes to some online business methods are the point of the law, not something to be eviscerated through the fine print of regulation.
>various business groups mounted a spirited attack against the bill during the legislative process
So as long as it business groups the govelistens but if Canadian citizen have issues with a certain bill all of a sudden its good for use and we should just move along.
A couple small piss-ant groups such as ESAC can hold up this legislation?!?!?! With C-11 the government refuses to listen to dozens of official bodies, representing millions of Canadians, including the Retail Council of Canada. End User, it’s not just private citizens that have issues with C-11, they’re ignoring EVERYONE!!
The whole thing reeks of collusion and conspiracy.
Great News, Thanks for the great report, I personally thank the ESAC and others involved in the stall tactics, It is entertaining to watch it all unfold this way.
Canadians keep their marketing hands strong.
ESAC’s lack of respect
It is amazing how much ESAC can whine about minor infringements of their rights given how little respect they offer the property and other rights of everyone else.
I hope the government eventually reigns in this rogue association, regulating their members appropriately to protect the property, privacy and other rights of Canadians.
…of Canada
Let’s list here who is behind ESAC:
Electronic Arts
Solutions 2 Go
Warner Bros
A very Canadian selection. Why are they allowed to call themselves like that?