Industry Minister Christian Paradis spoke at the Canada 3.0 conference in Stratford yesterday, providing an update on the government’s digital economy plans. Paradis trumpeted some of the measures in the budget as well as the trio of related laws – privacy reform, copyright reform, and anti-spam legislation (which he indicated […]
Archive for April 25th, 2012
European Data Protection Supervisor Slams ACTA on Privacy Grounds
Many of the measures that could be implemented in the context of Articles 27(3) and 27(4) of ACTA would involve a form of monitoring of individuals’ use of the Internet, whether by detecting actual IP rights infringements or by trying to prevent any future infringements. In many cases, the monitoring would be carried out by right holders or right holders’ associations and third parties acting on their behalf, although they often seek to delegate such task to ISPs.
International Publishers Threaten Canada With WTO Complaint Over Bill -11
An international publishing organization has escalated the rhetoric over Bill C-11 by making veiled threats about a WTO complaint against Canada if the bill’s fair dealing provision remains unchanged. The signatories claim “there is a real possibility that a WTO complaint will be brought against Canada” if the fair dealing […]