
Day After C-11 Passes, U.S. Chamber Looking For More Canadian Copyright Reform

Hours after Bill C-11 passed third reading in the House of Commons (the bill receives second reading in the Senate today), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is already calling for more reform. Expressing its support for Canada’s entry into the Trans Pacific Partnership talks, the Chamber argued “issues still remain regarding Canadian policies on intellectual property and supply management—which we believe the TPP negotiations should address.” Based on the leaked IP chapter in the TPP, it seems likely that C-11 will do little to ease the pressure to reform Canadian law.

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  1. Woah woah woah. You are saying that if you don’t give in *fully* with the demands of extremists, that they will continue to bully you for more? Darn, couldn’t have thunk it.

    Great job Harper on taking us on the path of the concessionary abyss.

  2. insufficient says:

    Canada’s Intellectual Property legislation is outdated. It’s an obsolete relic of the 20th hour ago, and needs to be overhauled to protect foreign interests in this modern age of tomorrow.

  3. Insufficient…
    “….needs to be overhauled to protect foreign interests…”

    You are being facetious, correct?

  4. Yeah because as long as we make foreign interests happy, why should we care about how we are affected?