Archive for November 5th, 2018

Net Neutrality rally at San Francisco City Hall #BayAreaSpeaks #NetNeutrality #protest by Steve Rhodes (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

CRTC Chair Opens the Door to Weakening Canadian Net Neutrality Rules

The Canadian government’s strong pro-net neutrality position has served as its telecom policy foundation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other government ministers frequently citing Canada’s commitment to the policy. In fact, the current review of broadcast and telecommunications legislation described net neutrality as “a key Government priority given its importance for freedom of expression and the ‘innovation without permission’ ethos that underpins the success of the Internet.”

Yet despite the emphasis on strong net neutrality rules, CRTC Chair Ian Scott used a keynote speech last week to open the door to watering down Canadian net neutrality rules, noting his desire for “flexibility” with the legislation.

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November 5, 2018 8 comments News