
Anti-Spam Bill Passes Committee Without Copyright Lobby Spyware Provision

Bill C-27, the anti-spam bill, passed through the Industry Committee late Monday with the bill largely intact.  Indeed, Industry Minister Tony Clement was true to his word as the several provisions that would have watered down the legislation were dropped (third party referrals, exceptions for survey companies and self-regulated industries) […]

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October 28, 2009 4 comments News

CRTC Sends Message: Traffic Management Rules Apply To Wireless Too

CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein delivered the keynote address at the International Institute of Communications conference in Montreal yesterday.  The speech reviewed last week's traffic management/net neutrality decision.  On the issue of wireless, he stated: At some point down the road, we will need to review the regulatory measures that […]

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October 28, 2009 4 comments News

UK To Introduce Three Strikes Policy

UK Business Secretary Peter Mandelson has announced that his government will go ahead with a three-strikes and you're out policy similar to the one recently introduced in France.

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October 28, 2009 4 comments News

Identity Theft Law Passes

The CBC reports that the government's identity theft legislation has been passed. It includes several new criminal code offences.

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October 28, 2009 Comments are Disabled News

Will The Liberals Play The Role of Opposition on Lawful Access?

While the Liberal party indicated late in the summer that it would more actively oppose the Conservative government, apparently that may not apply to Bill C-46 and C-47, the lawful access legislation.  Bill C-46, titled the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act, received second reading in the House of Commons yesterday with a referral to committee on the way.  The bill contains new tracking warrants for the Internet and other police powers.

The first response from the Liberals to this lawful access bill: What took you so long?  MP Mark Holland opened with the following question:

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October 27, 2009 3 comments News