A commenter notes that the CBC has demanded that YouTube remove the video of its excellent story on Internet libel. The CBC is obviously within its rights to do so, yet it seems so unnecessary given that there was several weeks of work by the reporter, hours of time volunteered […]
Archive for September, 2007
OECD Consultation on the Future of the Internet Economy
The OECD is conducting a major Ministerial conference on the future of the Internet economy in South Korea next year. In advance of that meeting, it has launched a public consultation on the issues.
Sick Kids Doctor Loses Data on 3,300 Patients
The Toronto Star reports that a doctor at the Hospital for Sick Children lost an external hard drive containing data on 3,300 patients just weeks after the Ontario Privacy Commissioner warned against removing electronic health records from the hospital.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Locked Cellphones
Appeared in the Toronto Star on September 3, 2007 as Unlocking the Mystery of Locked Phones From the moment of its debut, the Apple iPhone has attracted enormous attention. Its biggest impact may go beyond the consumer electronics market, however, as the iPhone has forced politicians and regulators to confront […]