One year ago today, I launched the Fair Copyright for Canada Facebook group. The past twelve months have seen thousands of Canadians speak out on copyright reform with the issue capturing political and public attention as never before. Today, I am delighted to post a Why Copyright? Canadian Voices on […]
Archive for November, 2008
Why Copyright? Canadian Voices on Copyright Law – DVD
Why Copyright?: Canadian Voices on Copyright Law, DVD produced by Michael Geist and Daniel Albahary
Saskatchewan Promises Universal Broadband Access
The Saskatchewan government has pledged to make broadband universally accessbile within three years. The government has promised millions of dollars to improve its rural telecommunications infrastructure.
Crookes Appeals B.C. Linking Decision reports that Wayne Crookes has appealed a recent B.C. decision that addressed the liability for linking to allegedly defamatory content.
CBC’s Search Engine on Canada’s Digital Isolation
CBC's Search Engine laments the current state of digital Canada.