
Business Software Alliance on Canadian Piracy Rates

"It's certainly at the low end and it's improving."

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  1. “Its not a guess”
    “It’s not a guess,” he says. “It’s a calculation that includes some numbers that are estimates.”

    uh, its an EWAG (an Educated Wild A$$ Guess). And since it is statistical, perhaps they should consider publishing not just the rate and value of the piracy, but also the assumptions that fed the EWAG and the accuracy estimates.

    Is there piracy going on in Canada? Depends on what you mean by piracy. The term implies an active intent to defraud the vendor. In the case of the one company mentioned, I wouldn’t call it piracy, since the unlicensed software was installed on the computers of people that don’t use it. Was the company USING only the licensed number of copies? It would appear so.

    As far as the assertation that the BSA only goes after smallish companies that don’t have full time lawyers… Actions speak louder than words. If they’ve not tried to sue a company with a full time lawyer…

  2. re: it’s not a guess
    Could you please rewrite that post to make it coherent?

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