
CIRPA Calls for Longer Data Retention To Facilitate Lawsuits

The Canadian Independent Record Production Association has posted its submission to the copyright consultation.  Notwithstanding the industry's repeated assurances that it does not plan to file lawsuits in Canada, CIRPA calls on the government to establish "the retention of data by users for a sufficient period to allow for effective law suits to be launched and brought to completion."


  1. It’s only a matter of time before the lawsuits hit if they get the required legislation.
    The industry assurances don’t mean anything, they already tried once and failed. They will start again when they have their green light.
    If the new copyright bill doesn’t give it to them, ACTA certainly will.

  2. Excuse me lawsuits? There will be no lawsuits, they industry was serious about not having lawsuits. Thats why they tried to have the last law passed that allowed them to accuse and “fine” customers. The whole point of the law they tried to ram down our throats was so they would not have to spend a dime to extort “their” $$.

  3. If they don’t plan to file lawsuits…
    then increasing the retention period isn’t necessary. Of course, if the statement about no plans to file lawsuits is simply a marketing ploy…


  5. This is why I am voting Pirate Party of Canada
    At least they will get funding… making votes count and having proportional representation is another matter.

  6. You know it saddens me when the so-called “independent” organization are becoming more like CRIA’s little brother…the same old hypocritical “I don’t want to sue them” but secretly going to sue them anyways BS. It’s no wonder that the Manitoba’s music organization separate itself from the “national” organization because of the conflict of interest from the provinces.

  7. “It’s no wonder that the Manitoba’s music organization separate itself from the “national” organization because of the conflict of interest from the provinces.”

    In simple terms, what it’s necessary for the national organization doesn’t always mean the same for the provinces independently.

  8. Sue your customers?
    I don’t understand record companies thought process on this one, most of the people who download music pay for it too or at the very least give money to the music industry one way or another and isn’t there a tax on recordable CDs already in-place to offset this?

  9. Sue your customers?…Yes
    Jeff, it’s never enough for the record companies to get tax incentives from CDR’s and other recordable and storage devices. They rather bitch, complain and sue as means necessary to get what they want. Simple partisan logic.