
The Edmonton and Quebec City Copyright Roundtables

The goverment has now posted the audio of the recent Edmonton and Quebec City roundtables.  Both roundtables featured a wide range of perspectives.  The chart below highlights the key positions of each speaker.  I will post a chart of all roundtable positions once the audio of the Toronto and Peterborough roundtables have been posted.

Roundtable Location Name and Organization Key Messages
Edmonton Linda Cameron, University of Alberta Press Opposed to expanding fair dealing, no  broad education exemption, copyright collectives, protect TPMs
  Shane Kennedy, Lone Pine Productions Protect TPMs, no vague fair dealing
  Ernie Ingles, Vice Provost, University of Alberta Fair dealing, circumvention for non-infringing purposes, abolish Crown Copyright, flexibility
  Myrna Kostash, Writer No change to fair dealing, no new exceptions, strengthen collective licensing
  Jane Bisbee, Alberta Motion Picture Industries Association Fairness for both sides
  Chris Henderson, University of Alberta Students Union Access to copyrighted materials for education and research
  Alexandra Hatcher, Alberta Museums Association Research and study exemptions for museums
  Rick Leech, Library Association of Alberta Balance, fair dealing, research and education exemptions, circumvention for non-infringing purposes, end Crown Copyright, access for the disabled, notice and notice
Quebec City Jean Grégoire, University Students Association of Quebec Expand fair use, education exemptions
  Hélène Messier, Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction (COPIBEC) Balance, collective management, licenses, artists need to be paid.
  Raymond Legault, Union des artistes Expand private copying levy, moral rights, P2P
  Alain Lauzon, Society for reproduction rights of authors, composers and publishers in Canada (SODRAC) Expand personal use, no expansion to fair use, no new exceptions, limit P2P
  Christian Bédard, Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels (RAAV) Resale rights, exhibition royalties, protection for photographs 
  Aline Côté, Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL) Control over digital content/eBooks
  Alexia Roussos, Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec (APFTQ) Notice-and-notice, technological neutrality, royalties
  Diane Lamarre, Professional Music Publishers Association (PMPA) Expand private copying levy, technological neutrality
  Lyette Bouchard, Association québécoise de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ) Balance, technological neutrality, limit illegal file-sharing, opposed to radio exemptions
  Jean Chabot, Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation Fair use, library exceptions, clarity, flexibility
  Martin Hudon, Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec (CREPUQ) Exceptions for digital content, clarity


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