With the Canada – European Union summit underway this week, the European Parliament has just passed a resolution that calls on Canada to support even greater ACTA transparency and to shift the negotiations to an international organization such as WIPO. The full paragraph within the resolution states that the European […]
Archive for May 6th, 2010
Writers Guild of Canada: Levy on All Distribution and Storage Points
The Wire Report reports on this week's Canadian Heritage committee of the Writers Guild of Canada, which argued for two levies that would cover all distribution and storage points. The WU wants both an ISP levy (as proposed to the CRTC last year) and an expansion of the private copying […]
Why Canadians Should Care About ACTA
The Mark News runs my opinion piece on why Canadians should care about ACTA, focusing on its specific implications for domestic policy.
Covering the Return of the Canadian DMCA
Yesterday's post on the government's plans for the copyright bill generated widespread coverage both online and in the mainstream media. There were many notable blog posts from creators (here, here) and other sites (here, here, here, here, here, here). The media picked up on the story: Globe and Mail: Pending […]