The government has placed two bills on the notice paper for introduction next week: the Electronic Commerce Protection Act (which is the re-introduction of the anti-spam bill that died with prorogation) and amendements to PIPEDA (which should be a data breach notification requirement bill).
Archive for May 21st, 2010
CBC on Copyright and Digital Locks
The has a good article on the legal and policy issues associated with copyright and technological protection measures. The anti-circumvention provisions in the forthcoming bill, which could come late next week, will be the source of considerable debate since sources say they will largely mirror those found in Bill […]
Obama and Calderon Back Quick Conclusion to ACTA Talks
U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderón issued a joint statement this week that touched on ACTA, reaffirming "their commitment to the negotiation of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and charged their administrations to conclude these negotiations soon."
Now Magazine on James Moore’s Plans for Copyright
NOW Magazine has a feature on the upcoming copyright bill and James Moore's plans for DMCA-style anti-circumvention rules.
Bryan Adams Get Private PM Audience To Jam and Lobby on Copyright
The Toronto Star and National Post reports that Bryan Adams was quietly invited to a private meeting at the Prime Minister's residence, offering the chance for a jam session and some lobbying on copyright.