Post Tagged with: "angus"

Charlie Angus on Copyright Reform

Exclaim! has an interview with Charlie Angus on copyright reform.  Angus states: "Canada's copyright laws need to be updated but that isn't to say that we are in any way some kind of digital banana republic, as is being claimed by the CRIA crowd. What's really important is, are we […]

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August 26, 2009 2 comments News

Angus: C-61 Was “Bulky, Unenforceable, and Ultimately Ridiculous”

NDP Digital Affairs critic Charlie Angus publishes an op-ed on the current copyright consultation and the potential "to get it right."

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July 28, 2009 2 comments News

Angus Introduces Net Neutrality Bill

Charlie Angus, the NDP digital affairs critic, has introduced a net neutrality bill.  The private member's bill is C-398.  More details to come. Update: Bill now online .  Slightly tougher than previous bill as permits throttling to relieve "extraordinary congestion."

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May 29, 2009 9 comments News

Making It Work Copyright Forum

Later today I'll be participating in a copyright forum in Toronto together with MPs Olivia Chow and Charlie Angus, as well as representatives from ACTRA, the Songwriters Association of Canada, and the Canadian Library Association.  Details at the Facebook event page or catch the event streamed on UStream.

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March 18, 2009 Comments are Disabled News

NDP Announces Shadow Cabinet

The NDP has announced their shadow cabinet with Charlie Angus tabbed as the critic for heritage, culture, and digital issues.

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November 18, 2008 1 comment News