
Rogers Applies to Establish a Bank

Rogers Communications has filed an application under the Bank Act to establish a bank to be known as Rogers Bank, primarily focused on credit, payment and charge card services.

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  1. Great. Because when I want to make a credit card payment, what I really want is to be told that someone will be there to process it some time between 8am and 5pm next Tuesday.

  2. Mobile Payments
    I’m guessing this has more to do with their push into the mobile payments space. They’ll probably attach some sort of NFC to the phones they sell (if they can get the handset manufacturers behind it) and charge payments through their “bank.”

  3. They can’t even keep the payment processing section of their website (or, frankly, pretty much anything on the site) working for more than a few minutes a week… trusting them to run an actual bank is just flat out insanity of the highest order.

  4. Eliminate the middle man
    They’re probably hoping to eliminate the middle-man when raping our wallets: we deposit our paycheques directly in the Roger’s Bank and they help themselves! No more worrying about cell phone bills, or comparing plans!!!

  5. a la USA bank meltdowns
    it seems we are following USA banking system. And we all know where that leads

  6. Now they can throttle your interest…
    Along with your WoW 😉

  7. Great, another way of screwing customers even more…to their wallets!

  8. Mobile seems to be becoming an entry point into lots of different vertical monopolies. This is for sure an effort to screw people and profit by cornering market and excluding others while legislation takes 3 years to catch up…

  9. Just comes to prove…
    … how much they’ve been gouging their customers! Might as well put all that booty to work…

    Then again, what else is new: Bell isn’t really a Telecom, we well know it’s an Income Trust!