Delegates from around the world are meeting in Geneva this week to work on the critically important World Intellectual Property Organization Development Agenda. The WIPO Development Agenda represents a major effort from developing countries to ensure that global IP policy adopts a broader perspective by better reflecting the needs of […]
Archive for June 13th, 2007
Is Content Filtering the New DRM?
There was a time when Internet service providers would not touch the idea of blocking or filtering content, particularly after the Stratton Oakmont decision in the U.S., which intimated that ISPs that got into the content monitoring business would face potential liability for legal issues arising from such content. No […]
What Net Neutrality Isn’t
The Globe and Mail reports on plans by major Canadian ISPs such as Bell Canada and Telus to move away from unlimited usage plans toward pricing based on bandwidth used. The article suggests that net neutrality stands in the way, though I don't think that's true. ISPs already have bit-caps […]
What Net Neutrality Isn’t
The Globe and Mail reports on plans by major Canadian ISPs such as Bell Canada and Telus to move away from unlimited usage plans toward pricing based on bandwidth used. The article suggests that net neutrality stands in the way, though I don't think that's true. ISPs already have bit-caps […]